How to get LANCELOT

LANCELOT is available by download. If you download the LANCELOT package, or any of its constituent parts, you are acknowledging that you have read, and understood, and are accepting a set of simple conditions-of-use.

Getting the complete LANCELOT distribution on a UNIX system

If you have a UNIX system and want LANCELOT, you should get the file
This file should be un-gzipped and then de-tar-red in an appropriate location:
    gzip -d lancelot.tar.gz
    tar xf lancelot.tar
The instructions in the appropriate README file should then be followed.

Getting the complete LANCELOT distribution on a non-UNIX system

If you run a system different from UNIX and want LANCELOT, you should get all files contained in the lancelot_dist subdirectory. The instructions in the appropriate README file should then be followed.