UK & Republic of Ireland SIAM section

Rules of Procedure

These Rules of Procedure (hereinafter called "Rules") apply to the SIAM Section called "The UK and Republic of Ireland Section of SIAM".

The Section to which these Rules apply is formed under the aegis of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and shall operate within the Bylaws of the parent organisation. The Section shall not affiliate with any other organisation without first obtaining the written approval of SIAM. No provisions of these rules shall be construed so as to contradict the Bylaws of SIAM.

Article I - PURPOSE

To promote and support applied and industrial mathematics in the UK and Republic of Ireland.


To organise inexpensive meetings which allow international exposure/involvement for postgraduate students.

To promote activities which bring together SIAM members from different fields.

To promote additional support for existing conferences and activities in the UK and Republic of Ireland.


The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland


Section 1. Any person engaged or interested in mathematics and its applications shall be eligible for membership in this Section. The only requirements are:

  1. membership or student membership of SIAM.
  2. residence or principle place of work in the UK or Republic of Ireland.
All persons satisfying (1) and (2) will automatically be members of the Section

Section 2. There is the one grade of membership.


The section has no sponsor.

Article VI

Section 1. The Section shall have a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer will usually be combined into a single office. Officers shall be regular members in good standing with SIAM.

Section 2. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Section and the Section Executive Committee (See Article VII below). In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President. In the absence of the latter, the Secretary shall assume said duties.

Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the affairs of the Section, handle correspondence, and submit an annual report of Section activities to the Secretary of SIAM, which report shall be suitable for publication in the SIAM NEWS or its equivalent.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive and take custody of Section funds, and shall submit an annual Treasurer`s Report and other financial reports, as requested, to the Treasurer of SIAM. The Annual Treasurer`s Report shall be prepared as of December 31 and shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of SIAM by no later than January 15.

Section 5. All officers will be elected for a 2-year term, but may be re-elected.


Section 1. The Section will be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the incumbent officers, the most recent retired president and the President of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, or another IMA board member so long as this person is a member of SIAM. It will be the usual principle that two or three more members of the Section be co-opted onto the Executive Committee in order to have a broad representative of different areas of applicable mathematics and a good geographical spread. The Chairman shall be as in Article VI Section 2.


The section will have no other committees.


Nominations for officers should be made to the Secretary by 31st January in every odd year. A seconder is required for each nomination. The secretary shall arrange a postal ballot of the Section membership.

Article X - MEETINGS

Section 1. There shall be at least one technical meeting per year. This annual meeting should usually be held in early January.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall conduct a business meeting once per year usually during the month of September. Other business meetings may be called by the President or the Treasurer on two weeks notice.

Article XI

Section 1. The Section will not levy dues.

Section 2. The Section shall deposit all unused funds to which it has legal title in excess of \pounds200 in an insured savings account, unless current operating commitments are in excess of that amount or unless the Section Treasurer obtains a written authorisation from the SIAM Treasurer.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall maintain books of account that show income and expense items for all activities and balances for all accounts of the Section.

Section 4. The Section may request a grant or loan from the Treasurer of SIAM under the provision of Article XI, Section 8 of the Bylaws of SIAM. Such requests shall be made by letter to the Treasurer of SIAM and include a current financial statement for the Section and a proposed budget for the requested funds.

Section 5. No officer or member of the Section may apply for a grant to support Section activities or enter into any contract to support such activities or provide services, without approval of the President and Treasurer of SIAM or the Managing Director acting on behalf of the Treasurer.


Section 1. These Rules may be altered or amended with the approval of the Board of Trustees of SIAM. Submission to the Board of proposed alterations or amendments shall be made only after approval by majority vote of members of the Section present (or represented by proxy) at a scheduled meeting.


Section 1. The Section may terminate itself by the unanimous vote of the members of the Section present (or represented by proxy) at a scheduled meeting, provided that notice of the proposed termination and the meeting at which it is to be considered has been given to all Section members at least 30 days in advance.

Section 2. The Section may be terminated by the Board if there has been no Section activity for one year.

Section 3. In the event the Section terminates, the funds to which it has legal title shall revert to the account of SIAM.

5th February 1997 (updated to web March 2007)