Statement of finances ----------------- SIAM gave us 2500 US dollars (on 10/7/98) which is the only income to the UKIESIAM account. This was 1515.15 pounds after conversion. Outgoings are: 426.59 pounds accomodation and traveling expenses for Rupert Klein (speaker at the 1998 Annual meeting) 79.85 pounds accomodation and traveling expenses for John Hinch (speaker at the 1998 Annual meeting) 184.40 pounds traveling expenses for Mark Chaplain (speaker at the 1998 Annual meeting) 31.80 pounds traveling expenses for Bill Morton (chaired the 1998 Annual meeting) 250.0 pounds to Manchester University for the NAC'98 conference 300.0 pounds to Brunel University, traveling expenses for SIAM sponsored speaker at British Applied Maths Colloquium The current balance is approximately 242 pounds. ----------------- The section has asked for additional funding of $2500 to cover our expenses for the 98/99 financial year. We anticipate that this will be spent as follows: Annual meeting: Imperial College January 8th : $1000 BAMC: University of Bath: April 12-15 : $500 ICIAM: Edinburgh: July : $1000 ----------------- David Silvester 23/10/98