===================================== Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) Format ===================================== This standard data format consists of the following data: .. code-block:: C int m; /* number of rows (unsymmetric only) */ int n; /* number of columns */ int ptr[n+1]; /* column pointers (may have type int64_t) */ int row[ ptr[n]-1 ]; /* row indices */ double val[ ptr[n]-1 ]; /* numerical values */ Non-zero matrix entries are ordered by increasing column index and stored in the arrays `row[]` and `val[]` such that `row[k]` holds the row number and `val[k]` holds the value of the k-th entry. The `ptr[]` array stores column pointers such that `ptr[i]` is the position in `row[]` and `val[]` of the first entry in the i-th column, and `ptr[n]` is the total number of entries. `ptr[]` may be either `int` or `int64_t`. There must be no duplicate or out of range entries. Entries that are zero, including those on the diagonal, need not be specified. For **symmetric matrices**, only the lower triangular entries of :math:`A` should be supplied. For **unsymmetric matrices**, all entries in the matrix should be supplied. Note that most SPRAL routines offer **no checking** of user data, and the behaviour of these routines with misformatted data is undefined. You may use routines from the :doc:`matrix_util` package to convert data to and check data stored in this format. To illustrate the CSC format, the matrix .. math:: \left( \begin{array}{ccccc} 1.1 & 2.2 & & 3.3 & \\ 2.2 & & 4.4 & & \\ & 4.4 & 5.5 & & 6.6 \\ 3.3 & & & 7.7 & 8.8 \\ & & 6.6 & 8.8 & 9.9 \end{array} \right) is described by the following data: .. code-block:: C int n = 5; int ptr[] = { 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 }; int row[] = { 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 5, 4, 5, 5 }; double val[] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 8.8, 9.9 };