**************************************************************** :f:mod:`spral_ssids` - Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Direct Solver **************************************************************** .. f:module:: spral_ssids :synopsis: Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Direct Solver ======= Purpose ======= This package solves one or more sets of :math:`n\times n` sparse **symmetric** equations :math:`AX = B` using a multifrontal method. The following cases are covered: 1. :math:`A` is **indefinite**. SSIDS computes the sparse factorization .. math:: A = PLD(PL)^T where :math:`P` is a permutation matrix, :math:`L` is unit lower triangular, and :math:`D` is block diagonal with blocks of size :math:`1 \times 1` and :math:`2 \times 2`. 2. :math:`A` is **positive definite**. SSIDS computes the **sparse Cholesky factorization** .. math:: A = PL(PL)^T where :math:`P` is a permutation matrix and :math:`L` is lower triangular. *However, as SSIDS is designed primarily for indefinite systems, this may be slower than a dedicated Cholesky solver.* The code optionally supports hybrid computation using one or more NVIDIA GPUs. SSIDS returns bit-compatible results. An option exists to scale the matrix. In this case, the factorization of the scaled matrix :math:`\overline{A} = S A S` is computed, where :math:`S` is a diagonal scaling matrix. ============== Usage overview ============== Solving :math:`AX=B` using SSIDS is a four stage process. 1. Call :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` to perform a symbolic factorization, stored in `akeep`. 2. Call :f:subr:`ssids_factor()` to perform a numeric factorization, stored in `fkeep`. More than one numeric factorization can refer to the same `akeep`. 3. Call :f:subr:`ssids_solve()` to perform a solve with the factors. More than one solve can be performed with the same `fkeep`. 4. Once all desired solutions have been performed, free memory with :f:subr:`ssids_free()`. In addition, advanced users may use the following routines: * :f:subr:`ssids_enquire_posdef()` and :f:subr:`ssids_enquire_indef()` return the diagonal entries of the factors and the pivot sequence. * :f:subr:`ssids_alter()` allows altering the diagonal entries of the factors. .. note:: **Bit-compatibility:** If used with bit-compatible BLAS and compiler options, this routine will return bit compatible results. That is, consecutive runs with the same data on the same machine produces exactly the same solution. ================= Basic Subroutines ================= In the below, all reals are double precision unless otherwise indicated (as described in :doc:`conventions`). .. note:: For the most efficient use of the package, CSC format should be used without checking. .. f:subroutine:: ssids_analyse(check,n,ptr,row,akeep,options,inform[,order,val,topology]) Perform the analyse (symbolic) phase of the factorization for a matrix supplied in :doc:`CSC format`. The resulting symbolic factors stored in `akeep` should be passed unaltered in the subsequent calls to ssids_factor(). :p logical check [in]: if true, matrix data is checked. Out-of-range entries are dropped and duplicate entries are summed. :p integer n [in]: number of columns in :math:`A`. :p integer(long) ptr(n+1) [in]: column pointers for :math:`A` (see :doc:`CSC format`). :p integer row(ptr(n+1)-1) [in]: row indices for :math:`A` (see :doc:`CSC format`). :p ssids_akeep akeep [out]: returns symbolic factorization, to be passed unchanged to subsequent routines. :p ssids_options options [in]: specifies algorithm options to be used (see :f:type:`ssids_options`). :p ssids_inform inform [out]: returns information about the execution of the routine (see :f:type:`ssids_inform`]). :o integer order(n) [inout]: on entry a user-supplied ordering (options%ordering=0). On return, the actual ordering used (if present). :o real val(ptr(n+1)-1) [in]: non-zero values for :math:`A` (see :doc:`CSC format`). Only used if a matching-based ordering is requested. :o numa_region topology(*) [in]: If present, specifies the machine topology to be exploited. The size of the machine is the number of independent NUMA regions. Region `i` will use `topology(i)%nproc` threads and is associated with the GPUs in the array `topology(i)%gpus`, which may have length 0. If not present, these parameters are auto-detected using the hwloc library (if detected at compiled time) or the environment variable `OMP_NUM_THREADS` if the hwloc library is not available. See the :ref:`method section ` for details of how work is divided. .. note:: If a user-supplied ordering is used, it may be altered by this routine, with the altered version returned in order(:). This version will be equivalent to the original ordering, except that some supernodes may have been amalgamated, a topographic ordering may have been applied to the assembly tree and the order of columns within a supernode may have been adjusted to improve cache locality. .. note:: A version where `ptr` is of kind default integer is also provided for backwards compatibility. .. f:subroutine:: ssids_analyse_coord(n,ne,row,col,akeep,options,inform[,order,val, topology]) As :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()`, but for coordinate data. The variant parameters are: :p integer(long) ne [in]: number of non-zero entries in :math:`A`. :p integer row(ne) [in]: row indices for :math:`A` (see :doc:`Coordinate format`). :p integer col(ne) [in]: column indices for :math:`A` (see :doc:`Coordinate format`). .. f:subroutine:: ssids_factor(posdef,val,akeep,fkeep,options,inform[,scale,ptr,row]) :p logical posdef [in]: true if matrix is positive-definite :p real val(*) [in]: non-zero values for :math:`A` in same format as for the call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` or :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`. :p ssids_akeep akeep [in]: symbolic factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` or :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`. :p ssids_fkeep fkeep [inout]: returns numeric factorization, to be passed unchanged to subsequent routines. :p ssids_options options [in]: specifies algorithm options to be used (see :f:type:`ssids_options`). :p ssids_inform inform [out]: returns information about the execution of the routine (see :f:type:`ssids_inform`). :o real scale(n) [inout]: diagonal scaling. scale(i) contains entry :math:`S_{ii}` of :math:`S`. Must be supplied by user if options%scaling=0 (user-supplied scaling). On exit, return scaling used. :o integer(long) ptr(n+1) [in]: column pointers for :math:`A`, only required if :f:type:`akeep` was obtained by running :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` with :f:type:`check` =.true., in which case it must be unchanged since that call. :o integer row(ptr(n+1)-1) [in]: row indices for :math:`A`, only required if :f:type:`akeep` was obtained by running :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` with :f:type:`check` =.true., in which case it must be unchanged since that call. .. note:: A version where `ptr` is of kind default integer is also provided for backwards compatibility. .. f:subroutine:: ssids_solve(x,akeep,fkeep,options,inform[,job]) Solve (for a single right-hand side) one of the following equations: +---------------+--------------------------+ | `job` | Equation solved | +===============+==========================+ | 0 (or absent) | :math:`Ax=b` | +---------------+--------------------------+ | 1 | :math:`PLx=Sb` | +---------------+--------------------------+ | 2 | :math:`Dx=b` | +---------------+--------------------------+ | 3 | :math:`(PL)^TS^{-1}x=b` | +---------------+--------------------------+ | 4 | :math:`D(PL)^TS^{-1}x=b` | +---------------+--------------------------+ Recall :math:`A` has been factorized as either: * :math:`SAS = (PL)(PL)^T~` (positive-definite case); or * :math:`SAS = (PL)D(PL)^T` (indefinite case). :p real x(n) [in]: right-hand side :math:`b` on entry, solution :math:`x` on exit. :p ssids_akeep akeep [in]: symbolic factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` or :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`. :p ssids_fkeep fkeep [in]: numeric factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_factor()`. :p ssids_options options [in]: specifies algorithm options to be used (see :f:type:`ssids_options`). :p ssids_inform inform [out]: returns information about the execution of the routine (see :f:type:`ssids_inform`). :o integer job [in]: specifies equation to solve, as per above table. .. f:subroutine:: ssids_solve(nrhs,x,ldx,akeep,fkeep,options,inform[,job]) Solve (for multiple right-hand sides) one of the following equations: +---------------+--------------------------+ | `job` | Equation solved | +===============+==========================+ | 0 (or absent) | :math:`AX=B` | +---------------+--------------------------+ | 1 | :math:`PLX=SB` | +---------------+--------------------------+ | 2 | :math:`DX=B` | +---------------+--------------------------+ | 3 | :math:`(PL)^TS^{-1}X=B` | +---------------+--------------------------+ | 4 | :math:`D(PL)^TS^{-1}X=B` | +---------------+--------------------------+ Recall :math:`A` has been factorized as either: * :math:`SAS = (PL)(PL)^T~` (positive-definite case); or * :math:`SAS = (PL)D(PL)^T` (indefinite case). :p integer nrhs [in]: number of right-hand sides. :p real x(ldx,nrhs) [inout]: right-hand sides :math:`B` on entry, solutions :math:`X` on exit. :p integer ldx [in]: leading dimension of :f:type:`x`. :p ssids_akeep akeep [in]: symbolic factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` or :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`. :p ssids_fkeep fkeep [in]: numeric factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_factor()`. :p ssids_options options [in]: specifies algorithm options to be used (see :f:type:`ssids_options`). :p ssids_inform inform [out]: returns information about the execution of the routine (see :f:type:`ssids_inform`). :o integer job [in]: specifies equation to solve, as per above table. .. f:subroutine:: ssids_free([akeep,fkeep,]cuda_error) Frees memory and resources associated with :f:type:`akeep` and/or :f:type:`fkeep`, at least one of which must be present. :p ssids_akeep akeep [inout]: symbolic factors to be freed. :p ssids_fkeep fkeep [inout]: numeric factors to be freed. :p integer cuda_error [out]: 0 on success, or a CUDA error code on failure. .. warning:: :f:subr:`ssids_free` must be called by the user. Merely deallocating :f:type:`akeep` or :f:type:`fkeep`, or allowing them to go out of scope will result in memory leaks due to underlying memory allocation performed using C++ and CUDA mechanisms. :f:type:`akeep` should only be deallocated after all associated numeric factorizations :f:type:`fkeep` have been freed. ==================== Advanced subroutines ==================== .. f:subroutine:: ssids_enquire_posdef(akeep,fkeep,options,inform,d) Return the diagonal entries of the Cholesky factor. :p ssids_akeep akeep [in]: symbolic factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` or :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`. :p ssids_fkeep fkeep [in]: numeric factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_factor()`. :p ssids_options options [in]: specifies algorithm options to be used (see :f:type:`ssids_options`). :p ssids_inform inform [out]: returns information about the execution of the routine (see :f:type:`ssids_inform`). :p real d (n) [out]: returns the diagonal of :math:`L`. d(i) stores the entry :math:`L_{ii}`. .. f:subroutine:: ssids_enquire_indef(akeep,fkeep,options,inform[,piv_order,d]) Return the pivot order and/or values of :math:`D` of the Symmetric Indefinite Factorization. :p ssids_akeep akeep [in]: symbolic factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` or :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`. :p ssids_fkeep fkeep [in]: numeric factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_factor()`. :p ssids_options options [in]: specifies algorithm options to be used (see :f:type:`ssids_options`). :p ssids_inform inform [out]: returns information about the execution of the routine (see :f:type:`ssids_inform`). :o integer piv_order (n) [out]: returns the pivot order. :math:`|\,\texttt{piv_order(i)}|` gives the position of variable :math:`i` in the pivot order. The sign will be positive if :math:`i` is a :math:`1\times1` pivot, and negative if :math:`i` is part of a :math:`2 \times 2` pivot. :o real d (2,n) [out]: returns the :math:`2\times2` block diagonal of :math:`D`. d(1,i) stores :math:`D_{ii}` and d(2,i) stores :math:`D_{(i+1)i}`. .. f:subroutine:: ssids_alter(d,akeep,fkeep,options,inform) Alter the entries of the diagonal factor :math:`D` for a symmetric indefinite factorization. The pivot order remains the same. :p real d (2,n) [in]: New entries of :math:`D`. d(1,i) stores :math:`D_{ii}` and d(2,i) stores :math:`D_{(i+1)i}`. :p ssids_akeep akeep [in]: symbolic factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` or :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`. :p ssids_fkeep fkeep [in]: numeric factorization returned by preceding call to :f:subr:`ssids_factor()`. :p ssids_options options [in]: specifies algorithm options to be used (see :f:type:`ssids_options`). :p ssids_inform inform [out]: returns information about the execution of the routine (see :f:type:`ssids_inform`). ============= Derived types ============= .. f:type:: ssids_options The derived data type ssids\_options is used to specify the options used within ``SSIDS``. The components, that are automatically given default values in the definition of the type, are: :f integer print_level [default=0]: the level of printing. The different levels are: +----------+-------------------------------------------------+ | < 0 | No printing. | +----------+-------------------------------------------------+ | = 0 | Error and warning messages only. | +----------+-------------------------------------------------+ | = 1 | As 0, plus basic diagnostic printing. | +----------+-------------------------------------------------+ | > 1 | As 1, plus some additional diagnostic printing. | +----------+-------------------------------------------------+ :f integer unit_diagnostics [default=6]: Fortran unit number for diagnostics printing. Printing is suppressed if <0. :f integer unit_error [default=6]: Fortran unit number for printing of error messages. Printing is suppressed if <0. :f integer unit_warning [default=6]: Fortran unit number for printing of warning messages. Printing is suppressed if <0. :f integer ordering [default=1]: Ordering method to use in analyse phase: +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 0 | User-supplied ordering is used (`order` argument to | | | :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` or | | | :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`). | +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 (default) | METIS ordering with default settings. | +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Matching-based elimination ordering is computed (the | | | Hungarian algorithm is used to identify large | | | off-diagonal entries. A restricted METIS ordering is | | | then used that forces these on to the subdiagonal). | | | | | | **Note:** This option should only be chosen for | | | indefinite systems. A scaling is also computed that may | | | be used in :f:subr:`ssids_factor()` (see %scaling | | | below). | +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ :f integer nemin [default=32]: supernode amalgamation threshold. Two neighbours in the elimination tree are merged if they both involve fewer than nemin eliminations. The default is used if nemin<1. :f logical ignore_numa [default=true]: If true, all CPUs and GPUs are treated as belonging to a single NUMA region. :f logical use_gpu [default=true]: Use an NVIDIA GPU if present. :f integer(long) min_gpu_work [default=5e9]: Minimum number of flops in subtree before scheduling on GPU. :f real max_load_inbalance [default=1.2]: Maximum permissible load inbalance for leaf subtree allocations. Values less than 1.0 are treated as 1.0. :f real gpu_perf_coeff [default=1.0]: GPU performance coefficient. How many times faster a GPU is than CPU at factoring a subtree. :f integer scaling [default=0]: scaling algorithm to use: +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | <=0 (default) | No scaling (if ``scale(:)`` is not present on call to | | | :f:subr:`ssids_factor()`, or user-supplied scaling (if| | | ``scale(:)`` is present). | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | =1 | Compute using weighted bipartite matching via the | | | Hungarian Algorithm (``MC64`` algorithm). | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | =2 | Compute using a weighted bipartite matching via the | | | Auction Algorithm (may be lower quality than that | | | computed using the Hungarian Algorithm, but can be | | | considerably faster). | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | =3 | Use matching-based ordering generated during the | | | analyse phase using options%ordering=2. The scaling | | | will be the same as that generated with | | | options%scaling= 1 if the matrix values have not | | | changed. This option will generate an error if a | | | matching-based ordering was not used during analysis. | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | >=4 | Compute using the norm-equilibration algorithm of | | | Ruiz (see :doc:`scaling`). | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ :f integer(long) small_subtree_threshold [default=4e6]: Maximum number of flops in a subtree treated as a single task. See :ref:`method section `. :f integer cpu_block_size [default=256]: Block size to use for parallelization of large nodes on CPU resources. :f logical action [default=.true.]: continue factorization of singular matrix on discovery of zero pivot if true (a warning is issued), or abort if false. :f integer pivot_method [default=2]: Pivot method to be used on CPU, one of: +-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Aggressive a posteori pivoting. Cholesky-like | | | communication pattern is used, but a single failed pivot | | | requires restart of node factorization and potential | | | recalculation of all uneliminated entries. | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 (default) | Block a posteori pivoting. A failed pivot only requires | | | recalculation of entries within its own block column. | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Threshold partial pivoting. Not parallel. | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ :f real small [default=1d-20]: threshold below which an entry is treated as equivalent to `0.0`. :f real u [default=0.01]: relative pivot threshold used in symmetric indefinite case. Values outside of the range :math:`[0,0.5]` are treated as the closest value in that range. .. f:type:: ssids_inform Used to return information about the progress and needs of the algorithm. :f integer(long) cpu_flops: number of flops performed on CPU :f integer cublas_error: CUBLAS error code in the event of a CUBLAS error (0 otherwise). :f integer cuda_error: CUDA error code in the event of a CUDA error (0 otherwise). Note that due to asynchronous execution, CUDA errors may not be reported by the call that caused them. :f integer flag: exit status of the algorithm (see table below). :f integer(long) gpu_flops: number of flops performed on GPU :f integer matrix_dup: number of duplicate entries encountered (if :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` called with check=true, or any call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`). :f integer matrix_missing_diag: number of diagonal entries without an explicit value (if :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` called with check=true, or any call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`). :f integer matrix_outrange: number of out-of-range entries encountered (if :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` called with check=true, or any call to :f:subr:`ssids_analyse_coord()`). :f integer matrix_rank: (estimated) rank (structural after analyse phase, numerical after factorize phase). :f integer maxdepth: maximum depth of the assembly tree. :f integer maxfront: maximum front size (without pivoting after analyse phase, with pivoting after factorize phase). :f integer maxsupernode: maximum supernode size (without pivoting after analyse phase, with pivoting after factorize phase). :f integer num_delay: number of delayed pivots. That is, the total number of fully-summed variables that were passed to the father node because of stability considerations. If a variable is passed further up the tree, it will be counted again. :f integer(long) num_factor: number of entries in :math:`L` (without pivoting after analyse phase, with pivoting after factorize phase). :f integer(long) num_flops: number of floating-point operations for Cholesky factorization (indefinte needs slightly more). Without pivoting after analyse phase, with pivoting after factorize phase. :f integer num_neg: number of negative eigenvalues of the matrix :math:`D` after factorize phase. :f integer num_sup: number of supernodes in assembly tree. :f integer num_two: number of :math:`2 \times 2` pivots used by the factorization (i.e. in the matrix :math:`D`). :f integer stat: Fortran allocation status parameter in event of allocation error (0 otherwise). +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | inform%flag | Return status | +=============+=============================================================+ | 0 | Success. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -1 | Error in sequence of calls (may be caused by failure of a | | | preceding call). | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -2 | n<0 or ne<1. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -3 | Error in ptr(:). | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -4 | CSC format: All variable indices in one or more columns are | | | out-of-range. | | | | | | Coordinate format: All entries are out-of-range. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -5 | Matrix is singular and options%action=.false. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -6 | Matrix found not to be positive definite but posdef=true. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -7 | ptr(:) and/or row(:) not present, but required as | | | :f:subr:`ssids_analyse()` was called with check=.false,. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -8 | options%ordering out of range, or options%ordering=0 and | | | order parameter not provided or not a valid permutation. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -9 | options%ordering=-2 but val(:) was not supplied. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | -10 | ldx`_] [`Preprint RAL-P-2014-006 `_] .. [2] J.D. Hogg. (2016). *A new sparse LDLT solver using a posteriori threshold pivoting*. RAL Technical Report. RAL-TR-2016-0xx, to appear.